Porta – Palabras mudas (With Gema) (Official video)
Sadness is an emotion that invades the human being at any time of his life. It tends to leave the whole mood down and takes away all expectations to move forward, affecting completely from the psycho-emotional state, to the immune system. It is logical that you want to change and wonder what to do when you are sad.
true reality. Main characteristics of extroverts:Main characteristics of introverts:The neurological differences between introverts and extroverts:Recent studies with brain scans, reveal
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I am a phoenix, I keep burning and then disintegrate into ashes to burn again. It is a cycle that never ends, each rebirth is more valuable than the last and each death more painful. But this is how I tear down my structures and limitations, this is how I transcend myself.
Today I want to be grateful for every situation that makes me uncomfortable, hurts me, takes me out of comfort and shows me a deep personal lack that I must resolve. I have understood quickly and although my anxiety is still on edge and my future is on a tightrope, the first goal is always learning, so I guess that even though I am groping, I am on the right side. Once again I leave myself in the hands of destiny, of the universe, of heaven, of God. I am exhausted from so much stress, swimming against the current has never been effective, today I just want to float and let myself be.
I walk as I can, along this path I have decided to follow. I walk at a slow pace, sometimes stumbling and always falling at the end. When I get up I reach the sky, I soar and I don’t even see the ground. But with him I always come back and when I crash I do feel it. It is then when I ask myself, why get up? My wings are broken and it weighs me down to walk. Better to crawl down here, to see if I can relax a little, if being this low I can stop feeling for a while. I just want to rest, don’t ask me to shine or to dance, in case you don’t know, my refuge is the darkness, where I turn off the world to cry in solitude. GUERRERA LUNAROriginally posted by broken-jack
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More than 1 man has lost his head for a woman, even the most cowardly or the bravest, being honest or a big son of a bitch, no one is saved even if he comes back from hell itself will end up headless for the most beautiful creature in the universe. «Charles Bukowski»
«Loneliness has followed me all my life. Everywhere. In taverns, in cars. On the sidewalks, in the stores. Everywhere. There’s no escaping it. God made me a lonely man. «Taxi Driver(1976) Martin Scorsese. Originally posted by nogutsnoglory-blog
«I saw her face and thought, shit, I love her, what am I going to do? The best I could do was to act indifferent; you mustn’t let them realize you’re interested in them, otherwise they’ll bump you off.»- Charles Bukowski
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benjamingriss:How many times have I run away, my love, when you embrace me and there is no other world than the one that exists in the gap between that embrace. Your arms are bridges and how can I tell you that I have always been very suicidal. But in your bridge I see hope to go on and on, and get tired by your side.Benjamin Griss (via elchicodelayer)
We are experts at not speaking to those we want to speak to. We’re experts at not speaking to those we want to speak to. we’re experts at hiding what we want to hide. we’re experts at ignoring those we love. we’re experts at not looking fragile or looking like fools.
Discordant ideas: In my story, love is not the protagonist, my happiness is nothing more than a sporadic actress; for many people I am secondary, one more on the list.